Board of CAFR

Members of the Board


Mgr.  Šárka Grauová Ph.D.Member of the BoardLusophone
prof. Markéta Křížová, Ph.D.The Head of the CentreHistory of overseas colonisation

History of the Atlantic region

History of slavery on the American continent and its consequences in Europe

Syncretism of African cultures on the American continent

Czech exploration and travel across Africa and the image of Africa in the Czech region

Work migration from the Czech region to Africa in the 20thcentury
PhDr. Barbora Půtová, Ph.D.Deputy Head of the CentreEthnic groups in North Africa

History, culture and art in the Kingdom of Benin

Rock art in North Africa

collecting African art in the Czech region

African indigenous art and its influence on European art

tourism and its influence in North Africa
Mgr. Vít Zdrálek, Ph.D.Member of the BoardEthnomusicology

South African popular and religious musical culture

Cultural study of music