Center for African Studies and the Department of Czech History of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University are inviting you to the discussion „Africa’s Place in World History“ that will také place on Tuesday, October 11, at 5 p.m. in the main building of the Faculty of Arts, náměstí Jana Palacha 2 (room 104).
In the discussion will take part Prof. François Xavier Fauvelle (Collège de France), Ladislav Varadzin (Institute of Archaeology of the Czech Academy of Sciences), Lenka Varadzinová (Faculty of Arts) a Markéta Křížová (Faculty of Arts). Prof. Fauvelle is world renowned specialist in African history, focusing on archaeology and older history, especially the study of cultural and political contacts, transfers and interconnections of African regions in global context, and also the reflections and instrumentalizations of historical events and processes in modern period.