Jihoafrický akademik Mvuselelo Ngcoya bude mít 24. listopadu přednášku v Kampusu Hybernská (Hybernská 4, Praha 1) v místnosti 3D od 15:00 do cca 17:00. Akci organizuje ČAAS ve spolupráci s CAFR FF UK.
Between 2012 and 2020, Mvu had the extraordinary fortune of following the life and times of a remarkable woman, Ms Fakazile Mthethwa, popularly known as Gogo Qho, a resolute permaculturalist who sought to single-handedly reshape the food system in northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. In this presentation, Mvu juxtaposes Gogo Qho’s stewardship and consumption of imifino (indigenous vegetables) against the plantation logic that dominates South Africa’s agriculture and food system. He argues that she lived a wayward life, in the sense proposed by theorist Saydia Hartman. Her life-world would otherwise remain unexplored because our knowledge system does not recognise people like her as social visionaries, actors or thinkers. Using Gogo Qho’s complex and generative interaction with neglected plants, Mvu proposes what he calls ukuzimilela (auto-growth) and explores the conditions and practices that limit or enable it.
Mvu Ngcoya is an associate professor in Development Studies at the University of KwaZulu- Natal in Durban where he has been teaching since 2010. Together with his family, Mvu co- practices agro-ecological farming on a slope in the undulating hills of Richmond, KwaZulu- Natal. His research interests revolve around agrarian transformations, land reform, indigenous plants, ubuntu philosophy and rural development.
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