CAFR FF UK courses in English and French for the the upcoming semester

Film as Historical Evidence: Representations of Conquest and White Savior Complex – AIH520105

Monday 15:50-17:20

Mgr. Monika Brenišínová, Ph.D.
Mgr. Vojtěch Šarše, Ph.D.

The course deals with the issue of film as a historical source. It deals thematically with two areas: the European exploration and conquest of the New World and the White Savior complex (both linked to global understanding of colonialism). The course will have an interdisciplinary focus on the analysis of whole films or film excerpts. The goal of the course will be to develop not only a critical perspective on films that are generally understood to be entertaining, suspenseful, etc. (which applies primarily to films with a White Savior theme), but also a broader understanding of the issues of a Eurocentric understanding of world history or non-European cultures.
The analysed films are based on various international collaborations, belong to different cinematic cultures and are made not only in English but also in the language of the cultures depicted (this does not apply to all films). The films are of varying quality and have been awarded various prizes (including negative prizes). The selected works also belong to different genres (from fantasy to science fiction, action to historical).
In the individual lectures we will focus on different tactics of depicting the Other, but also on processes of stereotyping, alliteration, alienation or marginalization. We will systematically expose the exoticization of the cultures of the Other that serve to entertain Western audiences. The course is divided into several different themes (in some cases the themes will relate to specific films, in other cases the themes will be studied in a selection of films – all to be specified during the semester).
The academic outcomes of this specific course are based on the futher understanding of epistemic violence herited from the colonial racist and essentialist narrative and represented in contemporary movies that are supposed to entertain the spectator. Futhermore students will learn how to use different critical approches to decode this stereotypical thus rooted representation of the others.

The course will be held in hybride version, in presence for students in Prague and online – on the MCTEAMS platform – for those who are not in Prague.
Materials will be shared via MOODLE.

Dimensions francophones dans l’enseignement – AFRV11026

Monday 15:50-17:20

Mgr. Míla Janišová, Ph.D.
Mgr. Vojtěch Šarše, Ph.D.

Le cours se posera des questions essentielles sur les littératures francophones telles que leur enseignement, la terminologie concernée, les méthodologies appliquées. Le cours proposera une table ronde sur l’enseignement des littératures francophones dans des pays différents (Italie, Pologne, République tchèque) et des ateliers tels que l’atelier terminologique basé sur la lecture d’un texte théorique, l’atelier d’interprétation d’un texte littéraire choisi, l’atelier de l’écriture créative.

Le cours se déroulera sous forme de deux journées d’étude réalisées à la fin de mais (le dates supposées du 29 et 30 mai seront confirmées au mois de mars)

La maîtrise du francais minimale de niveau B2, toutes les activités se dérouleront en francais.

Les informations détaillées serons fournies aux é