Srdečně vás všechny zveme na středeční přednášku Emanuely C. Del Re ve středu 9. 11. v Praze (Sociologický ústav AV ČR, Jilská 1, místnost 207).
„“In the last years, significant engagement has focused on security and development in the Sahel. The political situation in Sahelian countries and their capacity of managing social issues have major implications at economic, security and development level.
Inequality and sense of injustice permeate Sahelian societies. Insecurity and conflict hinder social and economic development in the region.
Demographic trends, rapid and unregulated urbanization, lack of access to basic services, increased food imports with fluctuating prices, youth unemployment, gender inequality, marginalization, stigmatization of communities are some of the challenges that the Sahelian countries are facing. The EU ambition is to realize through its consistent interventions the security-development nexus that is challenged by the serious humanitarian emergency caused by climate change, food insecurity and IDPs and refugees crisis, among others.
The European Union, through its policies, strategies and actions tries to respond to these challenges. The EU is acting at political level with a strong accent on governance that is seen as the synthesis of the needs to re-establish solid State systems in which real problems find an opportunity to be solved.“